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Mail Sets Record in Cove
Herald of Dec. 29, 1949
If the volume of Christmas mail is a good barometer, there was more good will toward men this Christmas season than any before in Morrisons Cove. The Martinsburg Post Office established an all-time record for mail dispatched on Monday, December 19, when 18,561 pieces were canceled, Postmaster Melvin G. Hartman reported yesterday.
D. Clair Replogle, World War II veteran who has been proprietor of the Atlantic Service Station in Roaring Spring for the past year, today announced the purchase of the service station and real estate at Main and Girard Streets from the Atlantic Refining Company.
Bernard Wierman of Martinsburg has purchased the Roxy Theatre building and equipment in Martinsburg, from John Helleberg of New York City, it was announced this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Helsel and children spent Christmas with Mrs. Helsel’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martz of Roaring Spring.
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