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Kagarise On The Blair County Salary Board's Decision To Reduce Court Positions

It is with much disappointment that I learned yesterday of the Blair County Salary Board’s decision to eliminate seven parole and probation officer positions thereby reducing the number of non-supervisory parole and probation officers from nineteen (19) to twelve (12). The abolishment of these officer positions was in addition to the elimination of a probation officer aide and administrative assistant position both of which are critical to the daily operation of the parole and probation office. For those in the public who are unaware, a parole and probation officer is responsible for being the front line enforcement officer that ensures those sentenced of crimes are abiding by the terms and conditions of their supervision. These conditions could include not having contact with crime victims, refraining from the use of alcohol or illegal substances, attending treatment, maintaining employment and various other conditions.

I was not provided prior notice of the Salary Board’s intent to place these matters on Wednesday’s agenda. While the agenda may have been placed on the public website twenty-four hours prior, the customary notice and reminder that is typically provided to the Court when a matter of importance to us is placed on the agenda appears to have not been provided in this instance. This is the third such time in recent weeks where I was not informed of salary board actions. I have requested the details of which salary board member made the request to have this matter listed on the agenda and when such request was officially made. As a result of the lack of notice, I was deprived of the opportunity to provide critical information to the board and to vote on this important action. When matters pertain to the Court, the President Judge sits on the salary board with the three County Commissioners and the County Controller.

More troubling than the lack of transparency and courtesy that occurred is the effect that this action will have on the safety of Blair County citizens. By way of information, Blair County will now have twelve (12) non-supervisory probation officers and one supervisor supervising a total office caseload of 2637 cases. This equates to a 202 to 1 ratio. Blair County Parole and Probation Officers have a starting salary of $16.30 per hour. The most recent statewide Adult Parole and Probation Chief’s report provides data on the number of parole and probation officers supervising offenders, starting salaries and caseloads for most counties in the Commonwealth. Excluding Mercer County who does not have a county parole and probation office, the data for the fifth class counties is as follows:

Adams County 28 officers/1265 cases/ 45.2 to 1 ratio/ hourly starting rate $19.40;

Lawrence County 9 officers/695 cases/ 77.2 to 1 ratio/ Not reported

Lebanon 22 officers/1157 cases/52.6 to 1 ratio/ starting salary $24.89

Lycoming 20 officers/1570 cases/78.5 to 1 ratio/starting salary $21.81

Northumberland 15 officers/1504 cases/100.3 to 1 ratio/starting salary $21.16.

Neighboring county Cambria County has 23 officers supervising 1634 cases for a 73.8 to 1 ratio. Those officers start at $21.00 per hour. Neighboring county Centre County has 18 officers supervising 1634 cases with a ratio of 90.8 to 1 and a starting salary of $21.88 per hour.

In the coming days, I will work with the leadership of the Blair County Adult Parole and Probation Office to determine the significant adjustments that will need to occur in that office heading into 2025. After consultation with them, I will provide the three Commissioners and Controller the opportunity to have a confidential briefing on the effects of this decision on public safety. If the salary board decides to stay the course, I will inform the public of the court’s intentions in the spirit of full transparency. I will also offer the District Attorney the opportunity to be briefed due to his unique role in seeking justice.

It is important to also note the inaccurate statements made by some officials regarding the need to cut these positions to save money in the budget. Through use of court ordered offender supervision fee funds, Blair County opioid settlement funds, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency grants and costs savings at the prison, there are more than sufficient funds to cover the positions abolished in yesterday’s actions. Any conclusion to the contrary is simply inconsistent with the facts.

The effective operation of the parole and probation office allows offenders to be released from confinement in a timely manner and for some offenders to avoid incarceration. Yesterday’s actions will result in increased confinements to the prison. The taxpayers will pay more as a result of the vote yesterday.

I have lobbied the Commissioners vigorously this year to develop a County-Court relationship that improves efficiency of court operations and saves taxpayers money. While I am becoming increasingly pessimistic that this relationship will materialize, I pray every day that it will.

President Judge

Wade A. Kagarise


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