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Twin Theories

This is part two of a series on twins written by Herald intern Miranda Madden.

I’ve been a twin for most of my life (give or take a couple minutes), and when it comes to being a twin, many theories have been created because of the close bond and connection we have with each other.

Going through various beliefs about twins’ alleged abilities, I’ll see whether they’re true or not based on my own experiences.

Twin Telepathy

Can twins really read each other’s minds? This belief, that twins have extrasensory perception (also known as “twintuition”), has been claimed by twins and others to exist. However, there is no evidence that something like this is actually true.

I can’t tell what my twin is thinking nor can she tell what I’m thinking. In my opinion, this theory began as a result of twins being able to read each other.

My sister and I grew up and did everything together. As we’ve gotten older, we’ve become more independent, but so many events in my life have also involved her too. We went to school together, we had the same first job, and now we go to the same college.

When I was younger, my twin and I would finish each other’s sentences, and sometimes we’d look at each other and start singing the same song without any planning. I never was able to read her mind, but I must have known what she was thinking anyway.

As a result of being around each other all the time, we, and probably most other twins, were bound to be able to read each other and know how the other thinks.


Do twins have their own secret language? Cryptophasia, or “twin speak,” is a theory that twins create a language unique to them and distinct from the language spoken at home.

Unlike telepathy, which is considered psychic and magical, cryptophasia is a more viable phenomenon.

And actually, this phenomenon is not restricted to just twins, as there have been cases in which regular siblings have created their own “language,” but it is a real thing!

The language created though is not well-structured or conventional, as it mainly includes mumbling, and usually disappears as they get older.

According to my mom, when my twin and I were really young, we would talk to each other and she could never understand what we were saying. We would say things to each other that weren’t comprehensible to anyone else–our own little “language.” It eventually went away when we were around five years old because we had started school and socialized more with other children, but we did have that phase.

Identical Means Identical

Are identical twins completely the same? Identical twins are called identical because they have the same DNA. However, having the same DNA does not constitute complete uniformity.

Even with the same genes, the sequence of DNA and how DNA is folded can cause differences in twins, like height or physique. So, even if twins are identical, that does not mean they are physically identical.

Additionally, personality traits and personal interests also can vary per twin. Identical, in this case, does not mean identical.

My twin sister and I are not identical twins; however, everyone I have ever met has assumed we are. We have very similar personalities, but there are nuances in the way we act, our emotional levels, and what interests us.

Shared Pain and Emotion

Are twins able to feel each other’s pain and/or emotions? There is this belief that a twin can feel it when the other one is hurting emotionally and/or physically.

According to some twins, they believe they are able to feel physical pain when the other one is hurting, and/or experience emotional distress or pain from one twin even when they, themselves, are not actually sad.

Although twins have claimed to experience this, there is no proof that it actually exists.

In my case, I don’t think I have ever experienced the emotions and pain my sister has just because we’re twins. Of course, at the same time, we have probably been sad or upset, but for one of us to be in distress, and for the other to feel that distress, it has never happened with us.

Final Thoughts

Twin theories can be fascinating in many ways, but they only exist because of the close proximity and shared experiences twins have growing up. By being with each other all the time, it’s only expected that they would have an almost “telepathic” bond.


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