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Don't Squander the Right to Vote

Letters to the Editor

On November 5, 2024, we have the privilege of voting for leaders in our nation. Are you registered to vote or are you among those who say, “I don’t vote?” Please don’t squander this right and responsibility you have as a citizen of the United States to vote for qualified candidates.

You may think you are not voting, but in reality you are voting because you are allowing others who support abortion and gay marriage to have more influence.

Since we are blessed to have a government of the people, by the people and for the people, we have the responsibility to choose our governing officials.

As a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ, I believe that God is sovereign and in control. However, God has given us the privilege and responsibility to pray and vote for those who will stand for Biblical truth and help protect the life of the innocent pre-born.

We are accountable before God for the lives of millions of pre-born babies that have been slaughtered while we who had the right to vote didn’t vote.

We are our brothers keeper and God sees the blood of millions of innocent children crying out from the ground. Please pray and vote for pro-life candidates. If you are not registered to vote, please register by October 20, 2024. You can find voter registration forms at Kensinger Repair Center. If you have any question please call Rodney or Sharon at 814-793-4311. For help in voting you may contact MyFaithVotes.org. Please vote while you still have the freedom to make your voice heard.

Sharon Kensinger

Williamsburg, PA


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