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Central Tennis Over Clearfield

The Central Ladys' tennis team came up big in their last regular season match and senior night. Seniors Julia Ritchey and Brooklyn Coppersmith shined in their singles matches, both winning without surrendering a game. Abby Smith got her first career start. Central did not give up a game in singles play and only a total of four for the entire match. Kate Dunn also won her singles match for the Dragons without giving up a game. Zoe Grill-Breslyn Beech and Taryn Walters-Abby Smith took both doubles matches for Central who moved to 9-2.

SINGLES:1. Ritchey,C,def.Rich,6-0,6-0; 2. Dunn, C,def.Brown, 6-0,6-0; 3. Coppersmith,C, def. Owens, 6-0.6-0

DOUBLES 1. Grill-Beech, C, def. Grady-McKendrick,6-1,6-0; 2. Walters-Smith,C, def. Swales-Merling, 6-1,6-2

Records: Central (9-2)


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