Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

50 Years Ago

Killing Frost Hits Cove

Herald of Sept. 26, 1974

A killing frost finished many corn crops in Morrisons Cove Tuesday morning and ruined late vegetable gardens. The mercury dipped below freezing on both Monday and Tuesday, falling to 31 degrees according to the Federal Aviation Administration at the Blair County Airport, Martinsburg.

Cost estimates for remodeling or replacing elementary schools in the Spring Cove School District will be disclosed at a second public “think-along” session that has been scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 9, at the junior high school.

During the next coming months, the folks in the Cove area will be gathering together blankets and baby layettes and used clothing to be shipped to the recycling/sending center at New Windsor, Md.

If you listen closely you might hear the soft sound of folk music coming from St. Joseph’s Church Parish Hall, Williamsburg, on Saturday morning, Sept. 28.


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