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Williamsburg Authority Looks at Sewer Rates

During their meeting last Tuesday morning, September 10, the Williamsburg Municipal Authority looked at current sewer rates as compared to surrounding areas.

Currently, the sewer monthly rate is $60 a month.  Authority members threw around ideas of a straight increase or incremental increases per year. Authority members wanted recommendations for the October meeting, as a decision needs to be made for the November meeting. No further discussion was held.

The authority also discussed removing telechecks as a payment option. They were told that the bank has to stop accepting them. Members decided to contact Solicitor Nathan Karn for further guidance on the subject. There was no further discussion on the matter. 

Chet Bingham made a motion to approve the minutes for the August meeting with Troy Everhart seconding, motion carried. David Myers made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report with Chet Bingham seconding, motion passed. 

Stiffler McGraw engineer discussed with authority members a grant application that is now open with an award up to $1 million. Authority members discussed several options but no decision was made.


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