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Beatty Gives Report on Cyber Charter School Reform

Northern Bedford County School District Superintendent Todd Beatty reported on cyber school finance reform at the Board of School Directors meeting last Monday.

“After the dust has settled, what started as high hopes for cyber finance reform in Harrisburg has fizzled for Northern Bedford County,” he said. “The latest bill signed into law provides multiple formulas to determine if a district receives any relief on special education tuition. Unfortunately, it is of no benefit to NBC School District.”

Beatty said the start of school this year was exceptionally smooth.

Credit was given to the administration and staff for being very thorough in preparing for the start of school.

He said the summer projects finished smoothly with the exception of the Wellness Building project.

The building project is a month ahead of schedule for completion.

There will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the building before the November board meeting unless it is ready by the October meeting.

Several resignations of coaches were accepted including Tina Detterline as middle school track and field coach and Whitney Mellot as cross-country coach.

The board approved the hiring of Tom Food as head junior high football coach at $2,950. Lucas Miller and Stuart Crocker were also hired as cross-country coaches at $574 and $674 respectively.

The final payment for the cyber breach suffered by the district was resolved by the approval to pay Mullen Coughlin for legal work through June 30, regarding the cyber breach and ransomware infection of the network for $34,076.

This is an unbudgeted expenditure.

The board also approved the transfer of $112,881 received from the PCCD Mental and Physical Safety Grant to the capital projects fund to reimburse for the payment of Wellness Building equipment. 

Due to a change in the 21st Century Grants this year, the After School/After 3 programs are operating as one. Three instructors will be working together to organize tutor time and educational opportunities for the students enrolled in the program. There are currently 44 students enrolled. Programming began on Monday, September 16. 

The Fall Occupational Advisory Committee meeting will be on Tuesday, October 15. In addition to a dinner and discussion with local businesses, this year they will begin including one student from each class, along with his/her parent/guardian, to highlight their accomplishments within their respective technical educational course. 

The annual Homecoming football game will be played on Friday, October 4 against Meyersdale.

The Homecoming dance will be held on Saturday, October 5 in the high school cafeteria. The October board meeting will be held on October 8 in Room 136 of the high school.


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