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What Delays Project Timelines

Even with the best intentions and services of qualified contractors and crews, timelines for home renovation projects can be prolonged due to various circumstances. Each project is unique and contractors cannot predict the circumstances they will encounter once work is started. Various factors can affect the overall timeline of a project.

• Weather can impact the ability to pour foundations, do housing framing, install Belgium block pavers, or tend to roofing projects.

• The temperature outdoors and inside can affect paint drying times or how long it takes asphalt to cure.

• Getting a permit for work isn’t always cut and dry. There may be delays at the permit office that can affect the remodeling process. Also, inspectors have to check that work is being done correctly, and contractors can be at the mercy of inspectors’ schedules.

• Mold, water damage, insect infestation, and other issues may only become apparent once demolition begins. These issues often cannot be ignored and must be addressed before work on the actual remodel can continue.

• Changes in design after an initial plan has been established can throw off the timeline, as it may require ordering new supplies or getting new architectural drawings.

• Supply chain issues became commonplace during the global pandemic, and building materials still may be affected. A project can be delayed by certain materials being backordered or no longer available.

• Some homeowners have to interview and hire new contractors if theirs fails to deliver on promises or is a no-show altogether.

• Homeowners whose loans or other funding fall through may have to delay further work until they are able to pay for the work at hand.

These are a few situations that can waylay a home renovation project. Individuals need to remain patient whenever they begin a remodeling project.


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