Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

100 Years Ago

Memorial Picnic Success

Herald of Aug. 15, 1924

The annual Memorial picnic was one of the largest ever held. Politicians and school heads were on stage. Music was furnished by combined bands of the Cove and Mary Alice Archey had several readings. Ball games were played with neighboring teams, New Enterprise and Roaring Spring, the visitors winning both games. Reports of the dinner committee showed a net profit of $356.43 on meals that were applied to the park fund. Special thanks went to the workers and those who loaned oil stoves, kettles and utensils.

The Blair Farm Bureau planned a demonstration tour of Cove farms. A.H. Stern at Ore Hill, potato spraying; W.H. Cowan, apple spraying; H.K. Metzker and Sons, alfalfa growing; ending at the M.D. Patterson orchard on Clover Creek.

Mrs. Myra Detwiler of Woodbury left for New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore to attend the wholesale millinery openings and purchases for her fall stock.


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