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Spring Cove Has Heated Discussion on Board Attendance Policy

The final reading for the new proposed policy for attendance at meetings via electronic communications brought a great deal of disagreement and discussion to the Spring Cove School District School Board Committee of the Whole meeting.

The policy said there would be no last minute notice of attendance through electronic communications and a member could have no more than three meetings done virtually.

Board member Kevin Smith said the proper chain of command was not followed.

“Limiting electronic communications at meetings is a violation of the Sunshine Act,” he said.

The current policy as it stands has no limit to the number of meetings a board member can attend virtually as opposed to in person.

Board Vice-President Amy Acker-Knisely, who has served on the board for the past 17 years said, “You cannot serve virtually as a board member for your elected four years of duration on the board. You must face the public.”

During her duration on the board, Knisely said she has been threatened, had her family threatened, and openly yelled at in the parking lot.

She said this was all part of serving on the board and said people don’t come to meetings to talk to microphones or members on the telephone.

President Troy Wright stated the Administrative Meeting Room is handicapped accessible for any board member who would need that assistance to attend.

Board member Chuck Gojmerac, attending virtually, brought up the idea that a change or slight alteration could be made to the proposed policy stating that no member could miss attending in person any more than three consecutive voting meetings.

There may be exceptions given to those with physician documentation in extreme circumstances, he said.

That proposal will be voted on at next week’s voting board meeting.

Board member, Misti Fisher, attending her first meeting in person since being sworn in as a board member eight months ago, said she can provide doctors’ excuses and medical documentation for having to attend all meetings virtually.

During Recognition of Visitors, Spring Cove School District paraprofessional Monica Miller, who has served in the district since November of 2021, addressed the salary of paraprofessionals, stating that paraprofessionals are worth more than they are paid.

At a starting pay of $10.50 per hour, she felt paraprofessionals were overworked and underpaid. Miller said she had been hit, kicked, spit on, screamed at while on the job, but stated it was very rewarding when you are able to help a student.

Kirstie Stayduhar, a paraprofessional in her second year and mother of an autistic child in the district, said Spring Cove School District has done some great things for her.

She had been a Licensed Practical Nurse who took a big pay cut to work with her children.

Stayduhar loves helping children , but said the burnout rate for paraprofessionals is very high.

“We need more staff and to raise the pay rate to attract more staff,” she said.

The district currently has 13 paraprofessional positions open.

The turnover rate remains high. She said many werebafraid to come forward to express their concerns over pay rate and lack of staff.

Superintendent Dr. Betsy Baker said the district is in the process of finalizing their application for funding under the new PCCD School Safety & Mental Health Grant and hope to submit it very soon.

The allocation is $130,445 , and it will be used toward pro-rated portions of the salary and benefits of all four police officers as well as continuing the Behavioral Services Agreement with Blair Family Solutions which provides individual and group counseling for students as well as training and consults for teachers and linkages to community services.

Baker also stated there would be lead testing throughout the entire district . Every other year the district conducts the lead testing.

There was an executive session held prior to the meeting for personnel reasons. The next Regular Meeting is Monday, September 16 at the Administration Office Board Room at 7 p.m.


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