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NBC Schools Kick off Positive Behaviors Program

Across the Cove region, school hallways have become a buzz of excitement over the past two weeks as students settle in for the 2024-2025 school term.

For students at Northern Bedford High School and Middle School, the excitement for a new school year culminated into a fun afternoon on Friday, August 30. The annual PRIDE assembly was held in the high school auditorium to promote positive behaviors from students and staff throughout the school year.

Panther Pride has always been a core value to members of the Northern Bedford student body but eight years ago the PRIDE program was launched at NBC as a student lead, schoolwide positive behavior intervention and support program.

The founding members of the program at NBC chose the acronym PRIDE to help students remain focused on choices and behaviors both in school and throughout our community that reflect the principles of the program.

P stands for Positive which reminds students to engage in positive behaviors such as being polite and using positive manners. R stands for Respectful and students are encouraged to engage in respectful behaviors by being kind and considerate of others and the surrounding areas they utilize. I stands for Involved, encouraging students to be actively engaged in their school and community. D stands for Dependable reminding students to be present and prepared in everything they do. E stands for Excellent which encourages students to work hard to reach their full potential in all areas of their lives, both in school and in the community.

When the program was founded, student PRIDE teams were formed at the Middle School and High School levels.

These young leaders have shaped and grown the program over the years and have exemplified the core values of the program. Throughout the school year, students can earn PRIDE tickets for engaging in behaviors that demonstrate PRIDE.

These tickets can be used to enter school drawings for free dance tickets, gift cards, free ice cream, and various other prizes. Faculty members also have prizes available for purchase with PRIDE tickets in their respective classrooms.

The student PRIDE team developed a recognition program for staff as well. This has been a positive influence to engage staff and students while working toward the common goal of positive behaviors. Students are encouraged to nominate staff members that they feel exemplify the values of the program.

NBC Elementary also promotes a similar program called PAWS which builds a great foundation for the PRIDE program when the students enter middle school and high school. The little panthers will hold their kickoff assembly on Friday, September 6, 2024.

The week leading up to Friday's assembly was filled with daily videos shown to the students demonstrating expectations that support the core values of the PRIDE program. The PRIDE assembly showcased the program with fun activities for both students and staff and was led jointly by the high school and middle school student PRIDE teams.

Several games were played on the stage where students, representing each class grade, competed against one another and staff for prizes. Of course, students were quickly and easily eliminated by staff members in each completion.

At the close of the program, students were encouraged by high school principal Shawn Cerully to promote and participate in behaviors and choices that align with the PRIDE program values not just in school but also throughout our community. As Cerully addressed the student body, he reminded students that they play an integral part in their school.

"Some students look for a great school - Others make a great school," he said. "By exhibiting our NBC PRIDE, our students continue to make our school a great environment for students, staff, and our community. It is our hope that our students will continue to exhibit these behaviors long after school in order to positively impact their communities as adults."

As the school year kicks off and these students walk the halls of NBC, administration and staff are excited to see how the students demonstrate and support the PRIDE program and each other within the walls of the building but also throughout the Panther community and beyond.


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