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NBC Elementary Focuses On Working Together at Assembly

The NBC Little Panthers kicked off their positive behaviors program for the school with the theme TOGETHER, on Friday, September 9.

This year's theme spotlights accomplishing so much more when working together. 

The theme will be the focus of the school year as part of the Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports program which encourages students to behave positively both in school and in the community.  

The school-wide assembly was full of fun events coordinated with the staff and students competing in team-building activities to demonstrate how working together everyone can accomplish a goal.  

Several elementary teachers participated in a three-legged sack race where students could see their favorite teachers working together to win the event.  

Other activities for the assembly included team building competitions for each grade level such as working to keep a ball on a parachute for the younger students to flipping a blanket over using only their feet for the fifth grade team.  

The assembly also kicked off a two-week penny war among all rooms within the elementary building.  

Money raised will support student events including a glow dance in November and school-wide carnival held in May.  

The program reminded students that they can earn PAW tickets by demonstrating positive behaviors with their peers and staff throughout the school day.  

PAW tickets can be used to attend special school day events or for rewards such as lunch with a teacher.  

After the assembly, students lined up to form the word TOGETHER on the school football field for an aerial photo which has become a fun tradition for the students to remember the theme for the year.


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