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To Forgive is Divine

Series: Lines by Lee | Story 3

Today I continue my series on quotations. If you have not liked this current series, please forgive me. And, read on because today’s quotes are all about forgiveness. I am grateful that my wife has not had to forgive me too many times. I certainly have had very few opportunities to need to forgive her. We have a loving relationship.

When there is an issue, we seek to resolve it quickly and not let the sun go down on any anger or trouble. We realize that Jesus came so that we can be forgiven. How much more must we forgive those who trespass against us?

Robert Muller said, “To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return you will receive untold peace and happiness”. I have stated many times that love is action. And certainly, when we love someone, we must take the action of forgiving them when it is appropriate. Sometimes they may ask for forgiveness and other times they will not.

We should still set them free by granting forgiveness. We are called to do such and that high calling is not always easy. But the blessing we receive is peace and joy for both us and the one we forgive.

Perhaps you have heard something like this quote by Bernard Meltzer. “When you forgive, you in no way change the past - but you sure do change the future.” I had a minor but troublesome incident recently where a friend of mine threw away something I had made and planned to use again. He considered it garbage and didn’t have the courtesy to ask if I still wanted it. He was very sorry, and I forgave him. Unfortunately, the forgiveness did not bring back the item which was sort of one-of-a-kind and unable to be replaced.

The monetary value was minimal, but I put a lot of time and effort into it. I was shocked that he didn’t check with me before it went in the dumpster. Our relationship is good, but the damage that was done hasn’t changed. I may not quickly forget what he did but I have forgiven him. The fact that I moved on from there and we can joke about it now is what forgiveness is all about.

George MacDonald noted that “forgiveness is the giving and so the receiving, of life”. This is certainly true in the spiritual realm. Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection we are offered a gift. When we receive that gift, we are granted abundant life on earth and eternal life with the Father. Our sin separates us from God and that alienation is on a path toward eternity. Life-giving forgiveness changes everything.

Since we have been forgiven by God there is an expectation. Martin Luther put it simply. “Forgiveness is God’s command”. This is addressed in several places in scripture including Ephesians 4:32. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Part of being able to forgive another is to see them through God’s eyes and have compassion and kindness toward them.

Biblical forgiveness has the idea of releasing or setting free. Through Jesus Christ God forgives us. It is a reasonable command that we therefore forgive one another. What are we saying about ourselves if we are unwilling to forgive when we have been graciously forgiven?

William A. Ward made his quote rhyme. “Forgiveness is a funny thing. It warms the heart and cools the sting”. Relationships can be painful at times and certainly there are opportunities to be hurt when we care about others. But when we forgive it is very good for our spirit. It is a big step in removing the pain. Mother Teresa said, “If we really want to love we must learn how to forgive”. To forgive is to love and both sides benefit when forgiveness takes place.

Lewis Smedes put it this way. “Forgiving what we cannot forgive creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future.” As I mentioned before, we may not always be able to forget when we are hurt or offended. But we can redirect those memories and have a positive perspective that will serve us and the other person in the future.

Gary Chapman is one who has helped a lot of marriages and families. His quote offers a good perspective. “Forgiveness is not a feeling; it is a commitment. It is a choice to show mercy, not to hold the offense up against the offender. Forgiveness is an expression of love.” Sometimes we may not feel like forgiving because a person may not really deserve it. But when we’re committed to loving a person, we understand that forgiveness is a choice that reflects God’s mercy. To forgive means we don’t hold something over one’s head. Forgiveness is always the loving thing to do.

Check out these two quotes from CS Lewis. “To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.” Again we are pointed toward God as our loving model of forgiveness. God’s forgiveness is not based on us deserving it or being qualified for it. And that’s how it is when we forgive others. It is not only a good idea, but it is God’s idea. We may not naturally think of being a forgiving person. “Everyone says forgiveness is a lovely idea, until they have something to forgive.”

Around 300 years ago there was a man who was born in London and stood four feet six inches tall. It’s certainly possible the poet had to forgive people for making fun of his height.

Alexander Pope famously wrote “To err is human, to forgive; divine”. Perhaps he understood the truth of scripture that we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. But grace is displayed in God’s forgiveness.

We can be an example of God and his divine divinity when we forgive. For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you (Matthew 6.14).


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