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"Awaken" Tent Revival in Bedford Co.

The Southern Cove Power Reunion ground held the “Living God” event, on August 9-10. 

The event was hosted by a group of women from different denominations who call themselves “The well-watered women”.

The last big tent revival for Bedford County was held in 1999 at the Northern Bedford High School in which two women in the group were saved at the age of ten. 

Friday morning, despite the rain, the event got off without a hitch.

A huge circus-like tent held hundreds of chairs and kept the attendees dry. 

Despite the weather, folks were smiling and seemed to enjoy worshiping and praying with each other. The revival got underway at 9 a.m. with concessions and ministry booths opening. Welcome, and worship started at 10 a.m. with musician and psalmist Ricardo White from Life Center in Harrisburg leading the group. 

Jim Kilmartin from Centre City Church Altoona spoke at 10:30 a.m. His message was about the history of a tent revival that started in Messiah Orphanage on Fourth Avenue, Altoona in the early 1900’s. 

From there, tent revivals went to vacant lots and playgrounds. 

In 1928 in Salemville, many baptisms took place. 

There were schoolhouse meetings in 1930, and many believed in selling most of their possessions. 

Next, the revival was held at the William Weaver picnic grounds on Route 36, Saxton. 

“God sent shepherds to guide you in the church and you need to go,” Kilmartin said.

The Centre City Church band played and sang praise songs at various times within the two days. Folks sang along with the words posted on a screen

Travis Habbershon, a youth pastor from Lewistown gave an account of his life from drugs to salvation. He talked about how just a few kind words to help someone else may change their lives forever. 

Eva Clark was the speaker on Saturday. Clark is a traveling nurse who resides in New Enterprise and has had many encounters helping people find God.

Pastor Eric and Andrea Poteat spoke on past troubles in their life and how they finally met at the Koontz Church in Bedford. They were both searching for something, and God brought them together.

Thirteen people were baptized Saturday evening. Juliet Fetter, a fourteen year old from Altoona, wanted to be baptized for a long time and her wish came true at the tent revival. Juliet, accompanied by her mother, Jamie Fetter and her grandmother, Judith Ott, was baptized by Pastor Eric. Juliet stated, “This is the best thing I have ever done”.

Lisa Hicks was the last speaker on Saturday evening. Hicks, with her summoning of folks to the altar, drew a crowd. She prayed over them for various healings.

Also present was the Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) group of Bedford. This non-profit organization helps families of those dealing with drug addiction. They meet every Tuesday from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Bedford Methodist Church, 322 East John Street Bedford. Contact Sandi Hershberger or Melissa Jacobs at 814-521-1117 or 814-285-7637. Freedom House Ministries for Faith Healing Men was also present at the revival. Freedom House Ministries supports men as they are going through drug and alcohol recovery. You can contact them at 814-494-2949.


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