Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

Farm Show Week Comes to a Close

I think it may be ingrained in our blood as Williamsburg residents that Farm Show week is one of the best weeks out of the year.

A great time to appreciate a lot of what Williamsburg has to offer, a great agricultural town and a tight-knit community that we are all so thankful to be a part of.

I was lucky enough to head down to the Farm Show, for three days – Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the Farm Show Queen competition, the Celebrity Milking Contest, and my favorite, the Parade.

This inspired me to ask – What was your favorite part of the Farm Show this year? Here is what a few residents had to say:

Lois Hanna: Visiting with a lot of people; Even got to visit with someone I haven’t seen in many years; Farm Show week is comparable to a week-long reunion

Joshua King: People loved the rides.

Charlene Brantner: I liked the setup this year – and Kenton Stitch and Ricky Lee as musical artists.

Patricia Krajacic: Different places to eat and the parade.

Maggie Merritts: Watching Natalie (Gorsuch) milk a cow.

Dora McCrum: Chris Woodward’s show.

Melissa Baker: We took our 4-month-old granddaughter for the first time; it was so amazing to watch her smiling and looking at all the rides.

Polly Eastep: Mini tractor pull.

Patrick Detwiler: The parade – getting to film and watch it with my church family.

“The Farm Show was a success and the Community really came out and supported us, especially the rides on Thursday and Friday,” Board Director Angie Walason said.


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