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Residents Want Answers from Township

Wayne Baker, a resident of Catharine Township, presented a laundry list of questions to Catharine Township supervisors during their meeting last Thursday evening in Williamsburg. 

Baker asked for an update on Oak Alley, which he has maintained for about 15 years.

Three years ago, the supervisors said they would take care of it.

Baker asked why the maintenance has been so poor ever since.

He said he went so far as to buy coal patches himself to fix the road.

“No further discussion, but repairs were talked about,” Chairman Heather Flaig said, on Oak Alley following the last meeting.

Baker also wanted to know, along with other residents who attended the meeting, what was being stored in the garage by the township building.

He asked why equipment such as the plow truck was outside of it when it could be stored inside. 

This prompted a walk to the garage by many residents and supervisors to see what the garage held. 

Baker also asked why the township owns four rollers. Other residents suggested an inventory of the equipment owned by the township to help to decide what is necessary and what isn’t. 

Flaig agreed that was a good idea and that a possible list may be ready for the September meeting. 

Baker also asked why Catharine Township doesn’t share equipment or labor with the other surrounding municipalities and the borough; no answer was given from supervisors. 

Residents also complained of a ditch in the township that has been the culprit of an accident and questioned when that will be getting repaired; residents said following the remnants of Hurricane Debby, the ditch went down another 1 ½ inches. 

In their Supervisor’s Report, both Ralph Rispoli and Heather Flaig talked about what to do with the $40,000 plus worth of liquid fuels money that the township has, but no imminent decisions were discussed.

Residents also asked for the list of bills that the township pays monthly to be made available to residents and be included with the agendas for the next meeting.

Flaig announced that Solicitor Nathan Karn would be unable to attend their meetings because of the move to the second Thursday of the month and Karn has previous engagements that evening with another borough. Supervisor Ralph Rispoli suggested looking into moving the meeting back to the third Thursday of the month to allow for solicitors to attend; no further discussion was held on the topic. 

Flaig made a motion to advertise rental prices for the backhoe with Rispoli seconding, motion passed. The current rental agreement, for which the township pays the FEMA price to Roadmaster Michael Fay, will end on October 22. 

No update was given on the proposed burning ordinance for the township. Vice Chairman Ken Brenneman was absent from the meeting.


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