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Reighard Says Goodbye to Title

If anything is certain, it's that Morgan Reighard enjoyed her reign as the 2023-24 Williamsburg Community Farm Show Queen. Reighard will crown a new Farm Show Queen to kick off the weeklong festivities of the Williamsburg Farm Show, on August 18. 

"I am so sad that my reign is coming to an end, but when I look back at all of the wonderful opportunities I was given, I have to smile," Reighard said. "I have completed so many wonderful things this year – from helping out at the Farm Show during one of my favorite weeks of the year, and helping the Farm Show in the community."

Reighard is referring to the Farm Show's presence and increasing community involvement for their benefit dinners. Reighard also enjoyed speaking on Studio 814 and WOWY radio to attract more people to the Farm Show. Reighard also competed for the PA State Farm Show Queen in Hershey in the spring.

"As much as I enjoyed getting to know the other queens, the best part about being in Hershey was getting to share my love of the Williamsburg Community Farm Show with the judges," Reighard said. "It's something I truly love, and I want people to see what a gift we have here in Williamsburg as a week of celebrating agriculture, our community, and the future of the Farm Show."

She is thankful for the support from everyone involved with the Farm Show and the Queen Board. 

"I truly could not have done everything I did without the support of all of those people – it was truly an honor to represent them," Reighard said. 

The Farm Show Board echoed that same sentiment. 

"She just did a great job representing the Farm Show and her hometown," Angie Walason, board secretary, said.

Reighard advised the next queen.

"Make the most of it – attend all of the events and have fun – you are representing the small town of Williamsburg, take it with pride and show people what our amazing small town has to offer," she said.

Reighard's favorite event was visiting her workplace, Bright Beginnings in Roaring Spring, and reading a book to the Preschool-4 class for Ag Literacy Week.  

"The sheer look on their faces to see one of their teachers be a real-life queen is something I will never forget," Reighard said. 

She will crown a new 2024-25 Williamsburg Community Farm Show Queen on Sunday, August 18 at 4 p.m. on the Farm Show grounds. 


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