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Number of Times Board Members Can Attend Meetings Electronically Questioned

The number of times a board member could attend board meetings by electronic communications instead of in person attendance was a heated topic of discussion at the Monday, August 12 meeting of the Spring Cove School District Board of Directors.

The motion to limit the number of times a board member can attend a board meeting electronically passed in first reading by a 5-4 vote with board members Kevin Smith, Andrea Moses, Misti Fisher, and Gretchen Bettwy opposing the idea while John Biddle, Linda Smith, Amy Acker-Knisely, Chuck Gojmerac, and Troy Wright supporting the motion.

Member Kevin Smith immediately asked why the policy was being revised as he believed it was because of Misti Fisher who attends all board and Committee of the Whole meetings by phone.

President Troy Wright and Vice-President Amy Acker-Knisely stated that members of the community have asked why a board member is allowed currently to never attend a board meeting in person.

Currently, after missing two consecutive board meetings another board member could call for their resignation.

“The ability to attend a meeting by phone was not meant for attending by phone every month,” board member Linda Smith said. According to solicitor Jen Dambeck, up to four members could be attending by phone as long as five were present at the meeting to have a quorum.

“Can you run for school board and then never attend a meeting in person,” Wright said.

Acker-Knisely said she has been at board meetings where she was personally singled out and criticized by public speakers. She said you must sit at a meeting and take whatever criticism comes your way. She cited that for months prior to Kevin Smith becoming a board member, he would attend meetings and threaten to sue her. Smith then said he was still planning on it.

It was also noted that those members who do not attend a meeting in person miss all the visual presentations and a great deal of information. Fisher told the board she can get medical documentation for not attending any board meetings.

Superintendent Dr. Betsy Baker stated in her report that Orchard Lane recently notified the district that they are no longer able to provide snow plowing services. The district is posting a Request for Proposals right away in hopes of securing a replacement. The preparation for school opening is underway with new teachers coming in for their induction on August 14, with all Spring Cove School District teachers returning to work on Friday, August 16.

Kindergarten Orientation and Meet the Teacher nights begin Thursday, August 15. The first student day will be Wednesday, August 21.

The next Committee of the Whole meeting will be Monday, September 9 and the Regular meeting Monday, September 16. Both will be at the administration office board


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