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Borough Hears About Solar Power

Jesse Weaver, an alumnus of Williamsburg High School, made his way back to Williamsburg, speaking for his company, Weaver Electric at last Monday evening’s Williamsburg Borough Council meeting. 

Weaver said that he had heard some rumblings about the Borough building and the fact that although they are a heating/cooling place for the community, they have no backup energy source. He said after his first tour of the Borough building, that the building presented some unique challenges.

Weaver then detailed his proposal which included solar panels on the roof – to offset the electrical usage of the building, a diesel generator for backup emergency power, and a battery storage system. Weaver also discussed funding sources such as grants, and a cost breakdown which could, in turn, save the Borough roughly $6,000 annually in electrical costs.

“I just want to give back to the community I grew up in,” Weaver said. 

Borough said they would look at proposals and funding avenues before any further movement with the project. 

Chief of Police Rowdy Kagarise discussed with Council about window tint; Kagarise said this issue was brought up a few years ago, and he sees a need within the community to get a window tint meter. 

Kagarise cited safety concerns for not being able to see into cars when cars are pulled over as one of the reasons to get a meter. Kagarise also said he along with Sergeant Adam Hauser have seen an increase in cars with window tint in the community. 

Kagarise also discussed an addition to the upcoming grass and lawn ordinance about adding yard sale signs and lost dog signs onto poles, and having residents be responsible for taking down those signs 24-48 hours after the events. Attorney Jeff Muriceak said he would pass the information to the Council’s Solicitor.

Borough Manager Joe Lansberry stated that a pickleball net would cost the Borough $500 for a permanent net, and $70 for a temporary net. The council discussed having those that use the new pickleball courts if they would fundraise to help cover costs and Borough would cover the difference.

Council member Brandon Chamberlain’s resignation was accepted at the end of the meeting – Chamberlain cited not being able to be on the Council while he was a PennDOT employee. Lansberry said that they would look at the other three applicants from last month’s meeting and work on replacing Chamberlain’s seat at the September meeting.


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