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Woodbury Looks at RV Living

A resident phoned in and asked about living in an RV (recreational vehicle) while improvements were being made to their home. This topic was discussed at last Thursday evening’s Woodbury Township meeting.

Supervisors agreed that they wanted to maintain consistency for this issue and granted homeowners six months from the time the RV is hooked up to sewer and water to finish the project.

Supervisors also wanted a developer’s agreement, written by township Solicitor Aimee Willett, to be signed and completed before the start of RV living. Rich Eastep made the motion to permit Willett to write the developer’s agreement with Paul Harclerode seconding, motion passed. 

Supervisors agreed that a bridge located in Lower Piney Creek be dedicated to Keller Evans, following his military service. Harclerode made a motion to sign a resolution with Eastep seconding, motion passed. 

Chairman Joe Lansberry said that the agility program with PennDOT, in which the township does work for PennDOT, and in return receive an amount to cover labor costs if the township ever needs, is up to almost $30,000 of work owed the township.

Lansberry suggested getting blacktop for Shultz Road in the township. The estimate from New Enterprise is for $64/ton and the project would require 200 tons. Eastep made a motion to approve the purchase of blacktop from New Enterprise with Harclerode seconding, motion passed. 

Supervisors are still working on the updated employee handbook. Items discussed included benefits and a new dress code that included wearing appropriate work shoes and jeans.

“We need to entice people to stick around,” Harclerode said. 


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