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Thought for the Week


I think we live in an angry society. Scripture has more than 200 references to anger or its action word “angry”. What is anger? I think we can safely say it is a feeling that arises within one because of a real or perceived hurt or wrong-done, often with a desire to hurt or punish the offender. This is perhaps perfectly natural. But, is it right? A classic verse on the subject is “When you are angry, do not sin, nor let the sun go down while you are still angry.” It would appear God understands our humanity with its feelings. He does, however expect us to control these feelings or better still allow Him to control them in us and for us. Jesus may demonstrate for us just this type of scenario. The story is given in St. John 2:13ff and a similar episode in St. Matthew 21:12ff. The first was at the beginning of His ministry and the second near the end of it. In both cases, Jesus found people desecrating or defiling the Temple of God. He took immediate action and removed them from this Holy Place. Did they have a right to be there? Well according to man-made law but certainly not according to God’s Law. Jesus always did, as we should, operate according to God’s Law. Jesus’ disciples, who were observers to these two actions, noted that He had a fervent desire to see God’s House become and be exactly what God intended. It would behoove us to have that same burning desire to honor and exalt the Holy God, His Name, His honor and His House. Mankind is so messed up, we often rather treat as common what is sacred, and treat as sacred that which is simply common. So do I think that is the reason we live in an angry society? Let me begin by saying we most certainly have our priorities out of order. There is a children’s Sunday School song that says it well: “Jesus and others and you; what a wonderful way to spell ‘JOY’. Jesus must have the first place in your heart. Others come next, be kind to each girl and each boy. Then put yourself last and spell JOY.” (sic) I am sure I do not have the words down perfectly but I am confident I have the sentiment of the song. In a nutshell, here is the problem with our angry society: ‘I’ want to put myself first ahead of all others including God. When we correctly examine the Ten Commandments, we can see that God intends for mankind to honor Him, His Name, and His Day. Do we do that? I doubt if any of can honestly answer that question, “Yes”. Frankly if Jesus made a personal appearance among us today as He did in the Temple those long years ago, we most likely would be running just as cared as those men who were guilty of desecrating God’s house. We have compounded our guilt by adding to the list of what we desecrate; not only Him, His Name, His Day, but those He has created in His own image as well. We certainly do not consider human life sacred. It was a fearful thing that day to stand before an angry (or better stated - a righteously indignant) Jesus. Scripture is not silent here either” “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry (living) God.” Hebrews 10:31. Is there hope for us? Jesus did not stone those men to death, which would have been the penalty for blaspheming God. So they lived with a chance to repent and turn back to God. This is such a day for us. Our anger can be controlled. It we can’t God is certainly capable of doing it for us. Surrender into His will and give Him first place in your heart and life.

Scriptures to Read

St. John 2:13-17

St. Matthew 21:12-17

Ephesians 4:25-32

Exodus 20:3-6

Exodus 20:7

Exodus 20:8

James 4:7-12


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