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The #1 Lawyer by James Patterson and Nancy Allen

Stafford Lee Penney was a successful criminal attorney. He was defending Daniel Caro in a murder case. Neither District Attorney Henry Gordon-James nor Stafford Lee had ever lost a case. Daniel Caro’s father, Hiram Caro owned a casino and was thought to be connected to the mafia. Joey Roman could frequently be seen with Hiram Caro as he was his bodyguard. The case involved the death of Aurora Gates, a person of color. It was a double murder case as Aurora was pregnant with Daniel Caro’s child. Daniel was a respected Ob-gyn in the community. Aurora had been his patient and later they became intimate.

Stafford Lee was glad to have good friends Jenny Glaser and Mason Burnett to help him with his cases. Jenny was a licensed private investigator. Mason was a trial attorney with his own office. They were good for bouncing ideas off and getting an honest response.

Stafford Lee was at his best. Henry Gordon-James was the uncle of Aurora. Stafford figured that if the trial didn’t go his way, he could claim that Henry was too close to the case and have it retried. However, Stafford easily won the case. Jenny was finding old cold cases with similar MO to Aurora’s case. The bodies had marks that indicated fingers were placed around their necks and then shot. Stafford Lee began to wonder if they were connected.

Stafford Lee and Jenny began getting threats. He found his estranged wife and her lover had been murdered. It looked like a murder suicide. Benjamin Gates, Aurora’s father was found shot in the bedroom as well. The funny thing was, Benjamin Gates was left-handed and the gun was found in his right hand. There was also a shotgun which was used to kill his wife and her friend. It just didn’t add up.

Stafford Lee began to drink heavily after the loss of Carrie Ann, his wife. He was losing his cases when he could get them. Mason and Jenny planned an intervention and got him to rehab.

Stafford Lee successfully overcame his alcohol dependency. He was starting to get back to the business of defending clients when he learned that Iris Caro, Daniel Caro’s wife had been murdered. Suddenly he was found accused of murder. Could he successfully defend himself? Being an accused and entering into court was definitely a different experience. It was frightening.


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