Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

50 Years Ago

Herald of July 18, 1974

It has been six months since the bank at Woodbury was robbed by a masked gunman. Hundreds of hours of investigation have failed to turn up a suspect in the case, according to police.

The Saxton electric generation station, which first went into operation in 1923, will be closed on Dec. 1, 1974, according to a public announcement by a representative of the operating firm, the Pennsylvania Electric Co.

Officials of the Roaring Spring of Appleton Papers Inc., expect the pulp mill area to be back in operation Friday. Two electrical fires in that area Thursday, July 11, shut down operations.

U.S. Air Force First Lieutenant Galen E. Focht of Williamsburg RD 1 recently returned from temporary duty in Norway where he took part in a special training exercise with the Royal Norwegian Air Force.

Ten thousand tickets for Brass Sounds have been distributed for sale throughout Blair County.


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