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Residents Want Answers in Catharine Township

The topic of Oak Alley has been on the minds of Catharine Township supervisors for a long time, and at last Thursday evening’s meeting, residents showed up for answers. Residents wanted an update as to what Township supervisors are going to do to update the alley, and Supervisors still didn’t have many answers. One resident, Wayne Baker, offered to get the alley surveyed for the Township to see where points of ownership are. Township said they would have to talk to the Solicitor before plans move forward.

Chairman Heather Flaig said she received a letter from PennDOT about runoff in Robeson Extension and she said that PennDOT said they would not do anything to help matters, but suggested an inlet box and running a pipe from it to cure run-off issues. No further discussion was held on the topic.

Township supervisors received a proposed burning ordinance from their Solicitor; Vice Chairman Ken Brenneman said there wasn’t an agriculture exemption, and “we don’t have much enforcement.” Supervisors continued discussion to next month. Flaig made a motion to allow the Williamsburg Community Farm Show to use township roads for their annual parade next month with Brenneman seconding, motion passed. Supervisors also elected Bill Deters as to their new Local Emergency Management Coordinator role; Brenneman made motion with Flaig seconding, motion passed.

Flaig stated she thought Quickbooks was getting expensive for the township for accounting and payroll, following a call into Quickbooks, they offered her an upgrade for $500 cheaper yearly. Brenneman made a motion to purchase an upgrade with Flaig seconding, motion passed.

Roadmaster Michael Fay said by year’s end – Cross Valley Road and Etna Furnace Road would be finished. Fox Run Bridge was completed by PennDOT, Fay updated on. Questions arose about tar and chipping if they would be more advantageous to some of the roads in the township; Fay cited costs and finishing other projects as the Township’s number one priority at the moment.

Supervisor Ralph Rispoli was absent from the meeting, and following the meeting, an executive session was held.


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