Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

125 Years Ago

Game Preserve Planned

Herald of July 14, 1899

Blair County sportsmen were planning to open an immense game preserve in the vicinity of the Beaver Dams near the Huntingdon County kine. The tract included 5,000 acres belonging to the Isett estate and extended from the old Soap Fat Furnace to the section behind the ridges.

M.H. Benner of the Martinsburg area was painfully injured when thrown from a load of grain while assisting Jacob D. Rhodes with the harvest work.

C.M. Black and E.H. Rhule of Clover Creek shipped a carload of sheep to market.

An extra summer train was placed on the Williamsburg branch between Hollidaysburg and Springfield Junction for the convenience of Point View visitors.

The farmers’ picnic at Henrietta was being revived and an earlier date was being considered so as not to interfere with the Blair County Fair.

The Rev. Peter Keagy, a minister of the River Brethren Church, died at his home at the age of 65.


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