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Woodbury Township Opens Black Top Bids

Woodbury Township Supervisors awarded multiple bids during June’s meeting. For stone and blacktop bids, the Township received two bids – one from Grannas Bros, and one from New Enterprise.

Citing price and convenience for location, stone and blacktop bids were awarded to Grannas Bros; Rich Eastep made a motion to award bids to Grannas with Paul Harclerode seconding, motion passed.

New Enterprise was awarded the UNIQUE paving bid with Harclerode making the motion and Eastep seconding, motion passed. With paving bids, two bids were once again presented by both Grannas and New Enterprise; Grannas came in at $45,000 cheaper than New Enterprise for four roads in the Township, because of that Harclerode made a motion to award bid to Grannas with Eastep seconding, motion passed.

Russell Standard was the only bid for tar/chip from Biddle Road outward to county line at a bid of $84, 814 with Harclerode making the motion, Eastep seconding, motion passed.

Chairman Joe Lansberry said he had heard several complaints about safety along Cardinal Circle, and residents asked for a stop sign to be placed at Bluebird Drive and Robin Lane. Eastep made the motion to allow Solicitor Aimee Willett permission to begin an ordinance for installation of a stop sign at intersection with Harclerode seconding, motion passed.

Cove Forge representatives were present at the meeting to give an update following a meeting with Township Engineer Jim Young and Solicitor Aimee Willett.

Representatives explained the flow survey results to supervisors, stating that between 2013-2018 data calculated 52.1 gallons of water per bed used at Cove Forge. Using that data, it was calculated that Cove Forge could operate at 335 beds on site, and 60 off site.

Currently, there are an estimated 228 beds onsite and 60 off-site, with plans for new dormitories to increase the number to 290 beds onsite. Paul Harclerode made a motion to accept the revised stormwater land development plans with Eastep seconding, motion passed. Eastep then made a motion to accept the stormwater management plan as-built following the removal of sheds on property that were not permitted with Harclerode seconding, motion passed.

Ed Clark resigned as a full-time roadworker with the Township effective May 16; Eastep made a motion to accept Clark’s resignation with Harclerode seconding, motion passed. The Township is once again looking for a full-time Roadmaster, who has a CDL; if interested, you are urged to send your resume into the Woodbury Township office.

The July meeting for the Township will take place on Wednesday, July 3 at 7 p.m., at the Township building.


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