Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

75 Years Ago

Bank Begins New Building

Herald of July 7, 1949

Work has started on the new home of the New Enterprise Bank, which will be a two-story brick structure housing the bank and a store on the first floor and nine offices on the second floor.

About 2,500 spectators on Monday evening witnessed the first fireworks in Williamsburg in some years. The evening started with a parade, then races and games for boys and girls, and finally, the distribution of prizes.

The Herald celebrates its 64th birthday with no plans of retiring. Although the Herald first saw the light of day on April 9, 1885, editors in the past would take vacations and sometimes “skip a week” which let the Herald live without adding to its age. The Herald has seen many changes in the grand old valley of Morrisons Cove, and has recorded all of them, along with the joys and sorrows of the community.

The annual children’s pet show will be held at 2 p.m., Wednesday, July 13, in the Memorial Park, under leadership of Charles N. Stonebrook.


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