Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

Thought for the Week

The Good Ol' Days

Perhaps you have heard someone say, "I'd like to go back to the 'Good Ol' Days". Maybe you have even said it yourself. Of course it really cannot be done and we have no idea how far they would like to go back. We could replicate some of the things from the past: i.e. going to the 'outhouse' on a ninety degree day and enduring the swelter and stench or on a 15 degree day and brushing a skiff of snow off the seat before occupying it. You could turn off heat in the winter and have no heat in your bedroom. You could trade in your automatic and return to 'stick-shift'. You could sell your microwave and the big screen T.V. on a yard sale go back to cooking on the stove top and listening to radio. Likely these things would not bring the satisfaction sought. My guess is there is something else desired: Like a slower pace to life; peace and serenity; less pressure; more relaxing time and other things we think were enjoyed in the 'God Ol' Days'. But, do you know what? I think some of the things desired can be had. I would propose you get out these things: your checkbook and credit card statements; also your 'day-timer', and appointment schedule. Separate them: On one side the financial things, on the other side time scheduling things. Now create a third list that asks these questions: "Does this glorify God?"; "Is it really necessary for me and my family?" "Does it bring blessing and benefit to others I truly care about?" "Would there be something better than what I am now doing?" Now, go over your financials with a red pen in hand and make a dot or check mark in front of anything/everything that raises a question. Do the same thing with your scheduling list. Once these are done, go back over them in prayer and with your partner or a trusted friend who will be honestly critical with you. Once you have had time to mull-over, carefully consider, pray over, your red check list, make a decision to either drop or continue this. Hopefully you will be able to free-up some time and or money. Now, a word of caution: Do not immediately spend the extra money or the extra time. Give yourself time to carefully consider what you would actually like to be doing/spending. You may find it not the 'Good Ol' Days, but it simply good to have 'time on your hands' and money in your pocket. When you consider the extra available time and or money, you can go back to your third list and begin with something to glorify God. When you have considered, you may find great pleasure in spending money and time in this. The same is true for doing something for or, better still, 'with' your family. Then reach out to someone you really care about and have not been able to spend time with and give them something of lasting value that will deepen and solidify your relationship with them. You may not be able to reproduce Tom Sawyer-Huckleberry Finn but still, this will likely give you something to look back on and think you have made some good new ol' days. Who wants to go back to the 'out house' anyway? Don't forget, you really should include God in your considerations of the past and projections for the future. God can see into the future much better than we can. He already has excellent plans made for every single one of us both as individuals and as families.

Scriptures to Read:

Isaiah 42:9 & 46:9-10

St. Matthew 6:8

Psalm 25:6-7

Psalm 90:1-6

Joshua 24:14-21

Psalm 27:11

Psalm 90:12-17


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