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Martinburg Borough Approves Penn Street Curbing Project

Martinsburg borough approved to spend $2,000 towards helping Zimmerman Family Dentistry put down new curbing at Penn Street, where they are currently building a new office.

At the monthly meeting, on Monday June 3, Borough Manager Richard Brantner, Jr. said that the contractor asked the borough to assist with paying for the curbing.

The total cost would be $13,400, he said.

“We already have some money tied up in that lot — as of 2022 we do have an agreement for the geologist that we split the cost which is 50%,” Brantner, Jr. said.

He said Zimmerman purchased the property in February 2019 and the agreement was made in 2022.

“As of now we have about $6,000 in it, plus there are more bills to come,” Brantner, Jr. said.

There were other expenses prior to the agreement, such as drilling a new testing well across the street to test the groundwater, he said.

Councilwoman Janet Blattenberger asked if the curbing was needed.

Brantner, Jr. said it is not required, but it would make things look nice, and make plowing snow easier.

He said the borough has put in curbing before.

Some of the board members were okay with the idea, while others were concerned that it would cause some problems, and set a precedent for future projects within the borough.

“I think there is a great advantage of having curbing there for appeal but I’m hesitant to pay because we typically don’t do that — however if we contribute something toward it, whatever that number is makes a difference of them doing it or not doing it, then I think that money spent is worth it,” Charles Kensinger said.

During May’s meeting there was a discussion about electric scooters.

According to Sergeant Justin L. Davis, Chief Kerry Hoover did some investigations and research.

“The electric scooters that the kids in town are riding do not fall in the category of the scooters assisted mobility devices, and therefore PennDOT does permit the use of these electric scooters on any streets or sidewalks in the Commonwealth,” Davis said.

He said they are permitted on private property with permission, but according to the state law they cannot be used on sidewalks or roadways.

During the report, Davis also said that on May 29 the borough installed a fourth radar speed sign on North Market street.


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