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Lashinsky Approved to Sign Tax Assessments

Roaring Spring borough council approved to allow solicitor Larry Lashinsky to sign the tax assessment settlements from the county.

He said the tax assessment appeals were filed by the Roaring Spring Park LLC which is the old Appvion plant, and there were appeals filed for 12 properties with all but three being within the borough.

“It reflects that fact that the plant is being demolished and is not worth the $4 million assessed value,” Lashinsky said.

He said the county had already been willing to reduce the value before the appeal, and it is going down to a fair market value of $850,000.

The council also approved to adopt ordinance 2024-1, which is amending 2005-3, allowing commercial vehicles to park overnight or for 24 hours on borough streets.

During the public comment, Trent Ritchey, a borough resident came to the meeting to talk about his concern with water run-off on Bloomfield street.

With the borough repairing issues with Bloomfield street, he was wondering if it would resolve the issue.

James Musselman, council president said the work done on the street is focusing on repairing a section of the road that is missing, and pulls vehicles to the right.

Borough manager, Lisa Peel said that they are going to mill and then pave.

They are going to move the curb up eight inches, which she hoped would help when the water is coming down the street.


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