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Thought for the Week

Jesus, the Magnet

Can you hear Jesus calling to you? He does, in St. Matthew 11:28-30. “Come unto Me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me for I am meek and lowly of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Jesus said that in the course of His regular teaching both His disciples and the crowds that followed Him. I would like to think He echoed it while He hung, dying on the cross. He certainly never denied His grace and mercy to the people who were the most in need. It certainly impacted the thief on one of the crosses. The Centurion and his fellow executioners seemed to understand Who He was and what He offered as well. I’d like to think Stephen heard His words in addition to the vision of Jesus standing at the Father’s right hand while being stoned to death. We live in a hectic world, filled with pressures and problems. Scripture on several occasions records words like, “Come apart and rest a while.” “Be still and know that I am God.” In such moments of quietness we may well be able to hear the soft whisper of Jesus calling us. “Come to Me, Come to Me, Come to Me. This is His continual invitation to you proclaimed in holy whispers. When your heart and mind are quiet, you can hear His invitation to you to draw near. Coming close to Him requires no great effort on your (our) part. It is more like ceasing to resist the magnetic pull of His love.” (Sarah Young in her book ‘Jesus Calling’ page 462- Thomas Nelson Publishers ) A beautiful painting has no effect on a blind man. A symphony orchestra nor a brass band have impact on one who is deaf. But the call of Jesus is not so much a physical one perceived by natural means of hearing or seeing but by a spiritual one. The Holy Spirit is, even now, whispering to your heart the gentle words of Jesus. He most certainly knows what you are going through. I translate Hebrews 4:14ff as follows: “We have in Jesus a high priest/mediator Who fully understands what we are going through for He Himself experienced all the testings/trials/temptations of humanity. But He successfully triumphed over them without once failing.” If I need a doctor, I want one whose patients always get well. If I need a lawyer, I want one who has never lost a trial. If I need a cook, I want one whose recipes are always scrumptious. In this world and among those who are simply mortal human beings, I will not find a perfect doctor, lawyer or cook. No mere human could accomplish these successes. But I answered the call of Jesus because while He is fully human, He is also fully God. Once when Jesus was being challenged about Who He was, He asked, “Which of you can point to any sin in My life?” No one could. No one did. I know I could never do that in my life. I am aware of lots of faults, shortcomings, and sins in my life. So are other people. But when I need spiritual rest because of these faults, shortcomings, and sins in my life, I know I can come to Jesus. He has proven Himself time and again. Not only do I know I can trust Him. I know He calls me to come unto Him. My friend. He calls you as well. You may think He couldn’t love you or you have done something unforgivable. It is not so. Jesus Christ is the perfect Saviour. Come to Him.

Scriptures to Read

St. Matthew 11:28-30

Revelation 22:17

St. Matthew 11:28-30

St. John 6:35-51

St. Matthew 11:28-30

Ephesians 34-19

St. Matthew 11:28-30


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