Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

Woodbury Mayor Pabon Resigns

Board president Shawn Claycomb, announced at Woodbury Borough’s June meeting that Woodbury Mayor Jordan Pabon resigned due to circumstances beyond his control.

The council is looking for someone to apply for this position.

The Grass Mowing Ordinance is in review and may need an addendum. This will involve grass mowing by the borough. Residents are reminded to keep their grass mowed to no longer than six inches. If the borough has to do it this could be very costly.

The treasurer’s report and secretary’s report made known agiven, total of $60,616.94 in general and state aid funds. This includes the Mid Penn State Aid Fund and a CD.

Claudia Keith gave a report on the Broadband meeting she attended. Various providers were discussed.

Council discussed having COVID money to use before December 31, 2024. Ideas for consideration will be brought to the next meeting on July 1st for discussion.

There will be a Solar Workshop on July 31 from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. at Bedford Courthouse room 101 for anyone wanting to attend. Registeration is required for this meeting.

Woodbury Yard Sales will be held on June 7 and 8.

The next meeting is on July 1, at 7 p.m.


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