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Visitors Bring Up Serious Issues and Questions to the Board

The Spring Cove School District Board of Directors June Committee of the Whole meeting brought up several speakers during Recognition of Visitors who brought forth serious issues and questions to certain board members that they felt were problematic and need to be addressed. Brian Gahagan, former school board of directors president, questioned board member Kevin Smith and those who ran with him for election to the school board on their lack of transparency.

He questioned why those who ran with him as a group were no longer supporting him as a group.

He reminded Mr. Smith that false accusations made about him during the election have never been addressed by the board members who said they would address these issues immediately.

He questioned why Smith voted to oust long time board solicitor Beard Legal Group from the school district but at the Greater Altoona Career and Technology Center meeting he voted to maintain representation from Beard.

He also asked why Smith called for Superintendent Dr. Betsy Baker’s resignation at his very first board meeting, but receiving no support from other board members, he never mentioned the issue again. Gahagan said he believed Baker to be the best superintendent in the Blair County region.

He also questioned why board member Misti Fisher is never present at board meetings and only does phone attendance, but she is at numerous other school functions.

Tom Kozminski, stating he represented the group Concerned Citizens of the Cove, said Mr. Smith had engaged in actions unbecoming of an elected official when he colluded with Facebook page administrators of “Issues in the Spring Cove School District” to propagate misinformation and engage in behavior unbecoming his position. Kozminski said this behavior extended to spreading false information about events within the district and making statements that perpetuate discrimination across various spectrums.

He asked the board to take decisive action and suspend Smith pending a thorough investigation by the appropriate authorities.

He urged Smith to consider resigning his position on the board.

When asked by the Herald following the meeting if he had a response to the statements from Gahagan or Kozminski, Smith only responded, “too much deception-I will not respond to any of them.”

Board solicitor Jenn Dambeck said the board can only ask a member to resign for activities-it cannot remove them . A board member can only be removed for commission of a felony and certain other misdemeanors.

A tax rate hike of 3.6% will be voted on for the 2024/25 school year at next weeks regular voting meeting. Board President Troy Wright asked for discussion from the board or any issues about the tax hike they may have. There was no response. Wright told them this was the time to bring them up. When it was announced athletic ticket prices would remain the same next year, Wright proposed the idea of not charging students to enter athletic events for students at all grade levels. He would even like to talk with other districts and have this apply to away games in order to maximize student attendance.

Authority was extended to the superintendent to hire replacements for any currently vacant positions and/or fill any last minute resignations until July 12 , with board ratification at the next Regular meeting scheduled for Monday, June 17 at the Administration Office Board Room at 7:00 p.m.


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