Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

75 Years Ago

Herald of June 16, 1949

Two barn raisings were held in the Cove last week, to replace one barn destroyed by fire and one ruined by the tornado that struck the Cove June 5.

The Roaring Spring Business and Professional Women’s Club met last Friday evening at the Eldon Inn with 26 in attendance. The meeting was opened with the club ‘Collect’, following which the assemblage sang one verse of “America”.

Eight different troops with 13 Patrols and 78 Scouts were in camp Friday and Saturday in the Morrisons Cove Memorial Park, Martinsburg, under the leadership of more than a score of Scout Leaders and Troop Committeemen. Ten Scouters from the district cooked their meals and slept under canvas along with the Scouts. Supper and breakfast were cooked over the open fires.

The volunteer staff and directors of the Martinsburg Community Library will meet at the covered tables in the Memorial Park, at 8 p.m. Friday.


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