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Letters to the Editor

Baker Does the Best She Can For Students

I do not know Dr. Betsy Baker. I have never spoken with her, been introduced to her or even know what she looks like. I have no children in the district and never have. I do, however, have a daughter who is just beginning her career as an educator and have learned from her that people do not get into education for anything other than the love of children and learning.

From where I stand Dr. Baker still has that love that led her to education back at the beginning of her career. I can’t imagine fighting an uphill battle EVERY DAY unless you truly love what you’re doing.

Dr. Baker deals with parents who ask/demand things of which she has no legal control. She gets blamed whether she does or doesn’t (insert gripe here.)

Dr. Baker deals with students as individuals and in groups who ask/demand things which may not be in the best interest of the student body. She is either the best/worst adult in the universe depending on whether they get what they want or not.

Dr. Baker deals with what is mandated by politicians and unions which may not be what is best for our area and teachers. She is either an ally or a foe.

There may be one or two people reading this who have actually done Dr. Baker’s job so I find it very difficult to believe that so many people are always so eager to offer their opinion on what she does or doesn’t do.

I strongly believe that Dr. Baker does what she does for the betterment of the students and the district…period. We don’t and can’t always know every detail involved in making a decision, but I believe that Dr. Baker takes them all into account when making one. We may never know what threats are made if she decides one way or the other but I feel in my heart that whatever way she decides it is for the best of most, she is not picking on or on the side of just one or two.

Yes, we can be upset with a decision, an outcome or an event, but is it necessary to blame Dr. Baker every time things don’t go exactly the way each one of us wants or thinks they should?

Karen Bassler



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