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Spring Cove School District Business Manager, Steven Foor, gave a complete presentation on the 2024-25 proposed preliminary budget during the May 13 regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
Foor stated cyber charter schools were the biggest financial challenge faced by the district. It will cost over $1 million to fund them for the upcoming year.
The rise in cost is 95% in cyber charter schools over five years ago. There is a 3.3% increase in budgeted expenditures for next year with cyber charter school cost accounting for 1% of that .927 mill increase.
Other challenges faced by the district are retirement and healthcare costs. Healthcare costs increased 3% but 60% of all expenditures still go to salaries and wages.
The $1.3 million received in special education funding does not begin to cover the cost. The district has worked diligently to receive $16 million in grants over the last 8 years.
Last month there was discussion of looking at a 3.6% tax increase for 2024/25 which would produce $407,942 of additional tax revenue. This represents half of the 7.2% the board could raise taxes under the Act 1 Index.
There is $1.5 million in capital reserve but the roof at Central High school alone will cost $1.3 million. Since the state probably will not pass a final budget until November, the district really has no idea what they will receive in state funds.
A General Fund Budget for the district for the fiscal year beginning July1,2024 and ending June 30 , 2025 in the amount of $31,677,251 was approved unanimously by the board. Any increase could be voted on in June.
The General Fund Budget will have to be available for public inspection for 30 days prior to any final adoption.
Superintendent Dr. Betsy Baker announced that the Spring Cove School District was awarded $199,918 in School Safety Competitive Grant funds. Baker said, “Only 104 applicants were approved by the PCCD out of 618 total applications. Funds will be used toward the salaries and benefits of one of our police officers for two years, as well as blue light strobe systems for high noise areas to provide a visual cue for announcements and alarms, new pole gates for Martinsburg Elementary School, bollards for Central High School, and an upgrade of the surveillance system for Central along with additional radios, metal detectors and cameras.”
The 2023-24 CTE Grant Award received by Heather Van Winkle, agriculture production teacher, was recently increased from the initial outlay of $10,033 to a total award of $20,021 to support the agriculture production program.
It was announced that Cheyenne Dickson has now officially shifted into the role of Martinsburg Elementary principal.
Mr. Joe Logan, Central High School social studies teacher, has been selected as the Judi Rossi Teacher of the Year through the Chamber.
There was an authorization to lock in natural gas and electric prices for the 2024/25 school year.
Beard Legal Group was appointed as District Solicitor for 2024-25 through 2026-27 fiscal years. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 20 at the administration office board room at 7:00 p.m.
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