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Meeting Highlighted by Personnel Changes

The Monday, May 20 regular meeting of the Spring Cove School District Board of Directors was highlighted by a number of personnel changes. The resignation of Holly Boyles, Spring Cove Middle School assistant principal was accepted effective June 28. Boyles will be leaving to take over as elementary principal at Claysburg Kimmel School District. The resignation of Mathew Moushlian, Spring Cove Middle School English teacher was also accepted effective at the end of the 2023/24 school year. The motion to hire Bobbi King to fill the 260 day position of Central High School assistant principal was approved. Her annual compensation was set at $78,000 for the 2024 /25 school year. The motion to hire Gabrielle McDonald to fill the 260 day position of Spring Cove Middle School assistant principal at an annual compensation of $70,000 for the 2024/25 school year was also approved. McDonald had been a gifted/math intervention teacher at Spring Cove Elementary School. Nicole Bradley was approved as an elementary teacher at Spring Cove Elementary School for the 2024/25 school year with her salary set at $52,408 at the masters level.

There was some division on the school board on the issue of renewing membership in the Pa. School Board Association which keeps districts up to date with all policies which prevents school districts from being open to lawsuits. The annual cost is $14,000 and board members Misti Fisher, Andrea Moses, and Kevin Smith opposed renewal . The motion carried by a 6-3 margin. Board member Kevin Smith also wanted to lessen contributions to Martinsburg and Roaring Spring libraries and wanted to increase donations to local fire companies. The remainder of the board favored giving the libraries the full annual disbursement of donations of $3500 each as approved in the General Fund Budget. The Beard Legal Group was appointed as district solicitor for 2024-25 through 2026-27 fiscal years by a 5-4 margin. Board members Troy Wright , Amy Acker-Knisely , John Biddle, Linda Smith, and Chuck Gojmerac supported maintaining the districts long time solicitor while Misti Fisher, Kevin Smith, Andrea Moses, and Gretchen Bettwy voted against retaining them.

The board approved the Public School Facility Improvement Grant Resolution requesting a grant in the amount of $2,911,365 , with a district match of $970,455 from the Capital Projects Fund, to be used for the replacement of the Central High School roof. The total cost of the project is $3,881,820. The current roof is 17 years old and undergoing constant repairs. The district did get three quotes on the cost of roof replacement before choosing a company. The new roof warranty will be for 30 years with added insulation added to the roof. The motion authorizing the Business Manager to lock in natural gas and electric prices for the 2024/25 school year in the best interest of the school district was also approved.

The next Committee of the Whole meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 10 and the next Regular meeting is slated for Monday, June 17. Both will be held at 7:00p.m. in the Administration Office Board Room.


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