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God Cares About Those in Need

When our family returned from a trip to Kenya and presented our report to our church family and friends, the part where we described the neediness of children caused an audible, collective groan. We spoke briefly of the lack of food and medicine and clothing, and those facts really grabbed some people, to the point they wanted to contribute to meeting at least the needs of one or two children.

Driving through the Cove in the weeks immediately after our return I didn’t see women carrying sticks to take home in order to make a little fire and cook dinner. I didn’t see anyone carrying large water containers. We have running water and indoor cooking ranges.

There was a larger city an hour’s drive from where we served, and within the last ten years, two grocery stores were opened there that have refrigeration and freezers. So when we had to go to the city, we stocked up on groceries. Our accommodations actually had a little refrigerator and electricity, along with two burners on a stove!

What would a cart load of groceries cost in Blair County? Maybe $250-$300? There our bill was only $111. We were amazed at how cheap everything was. But as we walked through the store people stared at our cart. I interpreted those stares (there was nothing hostile about them) to be amazement that someone could afford to buy that many groceries.

God cares about people in need, and He has appointed the church to represent Him and show compassion, not just by giving meals but by equipping people to be able to become more self-sustaining. (Besides teaching the Bible, that was a part of our work there as well.)

While I am nowhere near the head of any line of volunteers to give up all the conveniences we have, let me ask as someone who is moved by the needs we saw, what is worse than not having food? I’m not wanting at all to minimize or downplay what it is like to suffer by being deprived. So what is the answer? Being unholy.

In Matthew 4 we read that Jesus had been fasting for 40 days in a solitary, undeveloped area, and naturally, He was very hungry. Satan came to him and tempted Him with these words: “If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” Jesus replied, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God’” (Matthew 4:3-4).

What is Jesus saying? If it is the Father’s will for Me to be deprived at this time, I would rather starve than go against what He says. Pleasing God is more important than having bread to eat. Knowing and enjoying God into eternity is far better than violating His will in order to meet the needs that are screaming at us. May our crucified and risen Lord give us grace to be holy as He is holy.


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