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Thought for the Week

Surrendered Life

I would like to begin this “Thought” with a poem. I want us to think about surrendering our lives to Christ.

This is truly a daily requirement, although there must be a ”First Time”.

Many people fear to do this, assuming God only wants to Judge but even His name is Love and He wants to love us but cannot because we resist or refuse His love.

I hope the following: “My Surrender” by Nathan Wanner, will help you to carefully consider turning your life over to God (through Christ).

Oh Jesus, now I give You right

To take controls of things in sight: And future dreams, and all my past I fully yield to You at Last.

So many times before I tried,

To give You some but kept my pride; My reputation too claimed For fear that I a fool be named:

Ah, Fear the tool that Satan used

To cause that I remain confused. What if Christ asks, “My Child will you...”

The very thing I fear to do?’

And after fear the doubts set in:

“Have I been truly born again”?

Then too, a friend well-meaningly questioned my Christianity.

In tears I begged the Lord to send

A sign, a promise, or a friend

To help me through this struggle, ‘til

I felt God’s heart and knew His will.

Oh faithful Lord, He sent all three: A friend who listened carefully.

The sign that Jesus loves me still,

He promised, “Leave? I never will.”

My kind friend asked, “Do you love God?” “Oh, yes,” I answered with a nod.

And Jesus blood has cleansed your past?’

I answered ‘Yes’, Then came to the last: “Have you surrendered everything —your life, your all, to Christ your King?’

I am not sure. “I bowed my head. “Then now’s the time,” he gently said.

With tears I gave up everything:

And in my soul I heard the ring of breaking chains, while Satan fled,

And peace and freedom reigned instead.

The doubts are gone as is the fear,

As Jesus takes the wheel, to steer My vessel towards the center of

God’s perfect will and perfect love.

Why did I ever hesitate?

To trust my Lord? Or dread the fate

Of one who give up all his dreams and hopes to Christ?

For now it seems

That He is giving from His store

Above what I had dreamed and more!

His plans for me He’s always known;

Now He can lead and I’ll be shown.

My hand in His I now will go; Together we’ll face any foe!

Not height, nor depth, nor anything shall separate me from my King!

He’ll never, ever leave my side

Nor fail my every choice to guide; Until at last, I see His face I see His face, And feel the warmth of his embrace!

Scriptures to Read

Romans 12:1-2

Romans 3:23 & 6:19-23

Romans 10:9-10

Romans 10:11-15

St.John 3:16-21

Acts 2:17-24

Acts 2:36-41


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