Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

Underwear Styles

When it comes to garments and fashion - what’s in style and what attire is best for different situations - I admit that I am a total moron. The only exception to my insufficient vesture knowledge is my underwear. I wrote the book when it comes to a man’s underclothing and I am an expert regarding what choice a man should make when it comes to donning a particular style.

Jockey briefs

From my early childhood years through my forties, I’d always worn jockey briefs. I guess my mom purchased those for me when I was a kid and I just never questioned why that choice was selected for me.

My dad wore boxers, but the style never impressed me. Frankly, I just figured they were undies that were meant for old men. I was long-content with my chosen variety, until…

I tried something new

I’m not sure of the circumstances that encouraged me to try boxer briefs, but after my wife purchased a requested 3-pack of them, I was hooked. I found them to be so comfortable that I didn’t realize I was even wearing them.

Maneuvering to get in and out of a car, climbing stairs or a ladder, or hopping on my garden tractor - it didn’t matter much what I was doing. I was just happy to have made the switch to my new brand of comfort. I felt tightly supported, yet free at the same time. (And I apologize to my readers if this is perhaps too much information.)

A nice, warm sunny day

Normally, we don’t get much traffic through our neighborhood. However, while cutting the grass one summer day, I remember our dead-end lane seemed especially well-traveled for some reason. I waved to neighbors passing by in their car on the way to their home, chatted with the mail lady, and stopped in the driveway to make sure the Fed Ex delivery man wasn’t frightened by our dog. I also recall chatting with a husband and wife as they walked by with their dog. Again, I wanted to make sure that our dog was okay with these passers-by, particularly since they were accompanied by a dog of their own.

In the backyard

Being thirsty, when I finally finished the 3-hour cutting, I accelerated my lawn tractor to the back of our house. Through an open window, I asked my wife to bring out a cold drink for me before I put my lawn tractor back into the shed.

As she handed me the drink, she gave me a prolonged look - then asked in an inquisitive, yet perplexed tone, “Why are you cutting the grass in your underwear???”

To read other stories from back in the day, feel free to log on to pospeek.com and “like” us on Facebook.


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