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Aaron Andrews who works for Hollidaysburg Ambulance Emergency Medical Service (EMS) as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) taught 15 people on Sunday, April 7, the basics of CPR and how to use an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED).
Paramedics assess the patient’s condition at the scene and work to keep them stable while transporting them to the hospital.
EMTs are paramedics who are required to complete more extensive training and are therefore, qualified to perform more advanced procedures and offer advanced life support.
Information obtained from nu.edu. blog, an AED is a medical device used to analyze heart rhythm and deliver an electric shock to victims of ventricular fibrillation to restore the heart rhythm to normal.
Ventricular fibrillation is the uncoordinated heart rhythm most often responsible for sudden cardiac arrest.
Information obtained from premedics.com.
Many churches like Martinsburg Mennonite Church have children and adults with health issues. The ministry team thought it was important to have this device to get a head start on an emergency aftercalling 911.
Nason Foundation provided the AED after the church completed a grant application. Information on the grants can be found at [email protected].
Training is required as one of the provisions of the grant must be in coordination with the EMS system and local 911 Center.
Andrews discussed cardiac arrest, stroke and traumatic injury and how to restore circulation. When doing chest compressions to keep your rhythm he suggested singing the song “Stayin Alive”.
Complete CPR certification can be taught at your facility or church by contacting Andrews by phone 814-793-7937 or [email protected].
The ambulance service is located at 801 South Scotch Valley Road, Hollidaysburg. They also have a location at 303 West Allegheny Street Martinsburg.
Martinsburg Mennonite Church wishes to give a big thank you to Andrews for providing such informative information.
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