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The Poor

Jesus reminded His disciples, ‘The ‘Poor’ you will always have with you.’ In Old Testament times, God gave Israel instruction to care for the widows, the orphans, the foreigners within your gates, and the poor among you. In a Matthew 25 parable, Jesus tells us there will be a judgment of the Nations regarding how they treated those who were hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, and in prison. I suppose by lumping all these together, they would constitute “the poor”. A definition can be: “Having a meager or inadequate supply of life’s basic necessities.” We often apply this in terms of material needs. We might broaden our definition to include social, mental, educational needs as well. Certainly, a person without friends, is poor. As is a person without education or a means to support himself. If we have a desire to follow God’s Old Testament, or Jesus’ New Testament teachings, we should concern ourselves with how we treat ‘the poor’. Jesus gave a parable to help a man understand neighborliness. It is found in St. Luke 10:25-37. In that parable, a man found himself in great need. At least two people came on the scene with capabilities to meet his needs but rather they passed by without lending a hand. A third person came. He met the needs of the individual. Meeting those needs required his time, energy, effort, and also the risk involved. In addition, there was no guarantee he would ever be repaid for his expenditure. Now Jesus had a different reason for telling this parable than I do. But, I would like to borrow His story to make my point. If we intend to follow Biblical teaching, we need to be prepared to make some expenditures without expecting to be reimbursed. Yet, we must be honest with ourselves. The Bible does teach God has intention to honor and bless those who serve Him by serving other people. Of course we should obey God and do His bidding without expecting honor and reward. But, I find it difficult to separate the deeds from the honor and rewards. Honor and reward should not be my primary goal. But I confess, I will be disappointed if God does not ultimately provide them. While I am in the confessing mode, I will also confess I struggle with how I really feel about those who come looking for a ‘hand-out’ and have no intention of ever doing anything to reimburse my efforts or even making an effort to better themselves and eliminate the need to seek future ‘hand-outs’. Now, I have painted myself into a corner. I do come with my hand out to receive God’s forgiveness, His grace and His mercy. I am poor, in desperate need of His provision. Yet, I know I can offer nothing in return for what I need from Him. I am not even greatly shamed knowing I will need Him and His gifts soon again. Nor will I be able to repay Him in the future. God is in the ‘giving and forgiving’ business. God is generous and seems to rejoice when He is able to give and forgive. These things are part of His nature. Love gives and forgives. God is Love. God loves all people. He certainly does not love all the things we people do. There is great joy in Heaven when a poor sinner realizes, recognizes his lost condition and need for God’s forgiveness and comes seeking God and His goodness and gifts. I am rich because God accepts me in my poverty.

Scriptures to Read

St. John 12:1-8

St. Luke 10:25-37.

St. Matthew 25:31-46

Deuteronomy 10:17-20 & 24:17-22

Deuteronomy 26:12-15

Isaiah 1:17-23

James 1:27 & 2:14-19


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