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Biddle Appointed to Borough Council Seat; Foreso Remembered

Williamsburg Borough Council Chairman Ed Patterson held a moment of silence in honor of councilmember Jim Foreso.

Chairman Patterson offered “a prayer for our fallen comrade, a great loss to our group, and the community.”

“He was quite a guy,” Patterson said.

One letter of interest was received for the vacant spot. Councilmember Bruce Hamilton made a motion to appoint Mike Biddle. With Councilmember Paula Hamilton seconding, the motion passed.

Later in the meeting, Biddle accepted the seats on the following committees: Personnel and Finance, Property, Equipment and Streets, and Recreation/Community Affairs.

Williamsburg Chief of Police Rowdy Kagarise talked to councilmembers about increasing Officer David Flaig to 34 hours per week.

“It’s my hope for the department,” Kagarise said. “He does an excellent job for us, and it’s a good thing to have him on board. Our need for police is not decreasing, and there’s not too many options out there.”

“The solution is in our hands,” Chairman Patterson said.

Mayor Ted Hyle said he would look at the budget to see if the increase of hours is feasible, before council will move forward with discussion on the matter.

Council received a copy of a credit card policy from Municipal Authority Treasurer David Myers. Lansberry asked council to read it and discussion would be held on it for the April meeting.

Council received annual letter from Williamsburg Area Improved Dwellings (WAID) for a donation to the borough of $5,000 in lieu of taxes. Councilmember Dennis Hammel made a motion to donate $2,000 to the Williamsburg Public Library as the borough’s annual donation. Councilmember Dakota Biddle seconded and the motion passed.

Councilmember Hamilton made a motion to donate $500 to the Hollidaysburg Ambulance Service as a yearly donation. Councilmember Bruce Hamilton seconded and the motion passed.

Councilmember Hamilton also made a motion to allow for the borough, as in recent years, to be the sponsor for two American Legion/VFW parades – Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day. The proposal was approved by council.

Pastor Matt Roberts had talked to Borough Manager Joe Lansberry about community gardens in Williamsburg, and that there was grant money available for that which includes raised beds for areas around town. Councilmember Hamilton made the motion to approve the process with Councilmember Biddle seconding. The motion passed.

Councilmember Hamilton made a motion to appoint Heather Brenneman as the borough’s new office manager at $18 per hour. Councilmember Karyn Shaw seconded and the motion passed.

Councilmember Hamilton made a motion to sign a contract with Young Oakes and Brown and Co. of Altoona for the 2024 audit of the borough at a cost of $5,325, which is about a $200 increase from last year. Councilmember Hamilton seconded motion and it passed.


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