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New Sacred Musical to Be Presented Dec. 17

Using Scripture passages from the Book of Luke dealing with the birth of Christ, Lorie LaSala has created a sacred Christmas musical that will be presented for the first time at 6 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 17, in the sanctuary at St. John’s Reformed Church in Loysburg.

A volunteer choir of 15 voices, plus three instrumentalists will present the 60-minute-plus program. The public is invited.

Many choir members have solo roles. These include Dennis Holderbaum, singing Zachariah; Brad Gable singing the angel Gabriel; Beverly Smith, singing Elizabeth; Bella Gable, singing Mary; Mark Sell, singing Joseph; and David Snyder, singing Simeon..

Barbara Thomas will accompany the choir on piano, and Lorie LaSala on violin. Ethan Hess will play trumpet. Spoken roles will be filled by Bruce LaSala as narrator with special speaking parts by Cindy Johnson and Kim Rodgers.

The program will be followed by refreshment and fellowship in the church fellowship hall.


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