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Letter to the Editor

Judge Doyle: Blair Co. Residents Express Concerns...

‘Reckless Risks’ Associated with Doyle

To the Editor:

With 9 grandchildren and a son who is a police officer working in Blair County, I have been distressed with the rulings and performance of Judge Elizabeth Doyle. In one particular case, over the objections of the District Attorney she released a defendant with felony drug offenses forbidden to possess a firearm. After his release, he was arrested again for aggravated assault and attempted homicide for an alleged shooting during a robbery in Logan Township not far from my home.

Our community shouldn’t have to deal with the risks of lenient and even reckless criminal justice. We need judges on our side, not the criminals. I urge everyone to vote NO on Judge Doyle’s retention.

Wendy Griswold


Concerned Over Doyle’s Actions

To the Editor:

As a longtime resident of Blair County who has worked with law enforcement, I am quite concerned over the actions of Judge Doyle. In many cases, police have been hampered and discouraged in their service by the President Judge. Particularly during the pandemic, she showed leniency to those charged with and convicted of breaking the law, yet she showed no mercy to law-abiding citizens with respect to the enforcement of orders by the governor. I’ve also heard of dissatisfaction and even distress from victims and their families who felt a lack of compassion from the bench.

With fewer than 6 judges on the Blair County court, we can’t afford a poor one, especially as President Judge. We all should vote NO on Judge Doyle’s retention.

Sue Barkman


No on Judge Doyle

To the Editor:

When I was a state representative, I often heard from my colleagues about judges in their districts who were weak on justice and law enforcement. I was grateful I was from Blair County where the Court of Common Pleas seemed reliable in administering justice.

Sadly, I’m not so confident these days with the Court under President Judge Doyle. There have been many rulings and actions on her part that clearly have made our community less safe than it could be.

Her efforts during the pandemic were particularly lamentable. She ignored the Bill of Rights and while supporting Governor Wolf’s lockdown and isolation policies for the law-abiding, she let loose criminals and high risk defendants into our community. Equal justice under law went out the window under Judge Doyle.

A NO vote on her retention is the right vote on election day!

John D McGinnis


I am a retired police chief in Blair County with more than 36 years of service in law enforcement. Without question, I’ve never been more worried about the prospects for law and order in our nation and in Blair County. All it takes is a bad district attorney’s office or a bad judge for our criminal justice system to go off the rails. Fortunately, our county is well-served by DA Pete Weeks and his staff.

10 Years of ‘Poor Leadership’

To the Editor:

But President Judge Doyle has long been an obstacle to proper policing and to the people administering law enforcement. Another 10 year term for her means 10 more years of poor leadership for our court system, 10 more years of uncertain support for our police, and 10 more years of coddling criminals.

I ask all Blair Countians to vote NO on Judge Doyle’s retention.

Ronald A. Givler


Take Election Seriously

To the Editor:

I hope we all take our elections seriously. I do and I exercise due diligence before casting my votes. I have found that the decisions and actions of President Judge Doyle are not what we should have in Blair County.

We are a law-and-order community and expect judges to uphold our values by holding lawbreakers fully accountable for the harm they cause. On too many occasions, Judge Doyle has been lenient toward criminals and dismissive of law enforcement efforts to keep citizens safe. She might claim that COVID concerns motivated her actions, but of all people, a judge should know that her oath of office requires that she, at all times, respect our God-given rights and dispense full justice to those who have violated those rights.

I’m a NAY on Judge Doyle’s retention!

Cheryl Rupp


Vote ‘No’ on Retention

To the Editor:

I saw the ad in the Altoona Mirror regarding Judge Elizabeth Doyle and after confirming a few things I absolutely agree that she does not deserve another term. I have no malice towards her and wish her well but it is time for this judge to retire. Vote No on her retention!

Sheila Fink



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