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Woodbury Borough Council Hears About Repairs to Community Center

Woodbury Borough Council met on Tuesday, Sept. 5, at the Woodbury Community Center at 7 p.m. All members of council were present.

Shawn Claycomb called the meeting to order and led the group by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes from August were reviewed and approved as read.

The treasurer report was given by Barb Wilt and approved as read. Total balance is $178,166.74.

SCJMA has become partners with PMCA. This means Pennsylvania Municipal Code Alliance, Inc. (PMCA) has entered a partnership with the company SAFEbuilt LLC, which also provides building code services, including permitting plan reviews, inspection services and code enforcement plus community planning and urban design services.

Many services for the Woodbury Area Community Center were done in August. The bench in the pavilion is now fixed. Mulch was placed under the WACC sign and bushes were trimmed. The center is waiting for a price from Tussey Mountain Mulch for the playground.

A list of future repairs includes the following: a new insulated garage door for food bank; a new table for the large room is needed; a ramp for the north side of the building was proposed and will be investigated; a Porta-John is a possible option as entrance to the building for bathroom is a concern.

There is $24,691.30 in the treasury for the Community Center.

The group went into executive session to discuss some old business.

The DCED Local Share Grant deadline is Nov. 30, 2023. The engineer is doing application for a truck.

GD&F invited the council to a clay pigeon shoot on Oct. 6 at Warriors Mark Wing Shooting Lodge in Ginter, Pa.

The next meeting is Oct. 2, at 7 p.m.


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