Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

100 Years Ago

Picnic a Success

Herald of Sept. 21, 1923

The Old Timers picnic at Henrietta was a success, only it was too cold for a picnic. If we live and there will be one next year we will try to have it earlier in the new year so we don’t need to wear snow shoes. The Woodbury Band was on hand, and played well. People attended from Tyrone, Altoona, Saxton, Lewistown, and all around, even Pittsburgh.

Dr. Nason, who has been chief surgeon at Mercy Hospital, Altoona, for some years, has resigned that position and will devote his time entirely to the Nason hospital in Roaring Spring.

Hon. Atlee Brumbaugh and wife of Altoona...


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