Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

S. Woodbury To Release Funds For Southern Cove Fire Co.

On Sept. 5, the South Woodbury Township Supervisors met at 9 a.m. The call to order made by John T. Hileman and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

The office will be closed from Sept. 15 to 23.

Minutes were approved as read for Aug. 1, 2023.

The treasurer’s report was also approved as read.

The Southern Cove Fire Company met with township and all discrepancies were resolved. Funding for spring and fall of 2023 will be released to the fire company from the township, which will be $15,000.

Some roads were grated this past month including Mill Street.

Golden Rule Drive Culvert replacement has been completed.

A PennDOT engineering consultant will be chosen after a bidding process takes place to oversee bridges in the township being completed.

The auditor vacancy will be filled by Andrew Pepple. His term will last through 2026.

AAA Color Card Company is closing on Dec. 31, 2023. They were used for printing envelopes, forms, and other items. A new company will be chosen.

PMCA has Partnered with SAFEbuilt, LLC.

SAP & DC Grant Information Session will be held on Sept. 12, 2023. This is a seminar that will provide resources available for seeking funding. This will be held at Six Mile Run firehall from 7:45-noon.

The proposed budget for FY 2024 has been approved for advertising.

Bedford County Township Official’s Association Convention is Oct. 16 at 9 a.m. This will be held at Alum Bank. Jay Claycomb will attend.

Wastewater monthly bills and treasurer’s report ending Aug. 31, 2023 were approved.

Due to power surges affecting the plant operations at the treatment plant a surge protector will be investigated to see if this could be done. This will also be done for the township building.

The road sign is missing from Guyer’s Corner and the township will investigate replacing it. Also, signage will be needed for the 35-ton weight limit for a bridge on Old Mill Road.

Next meeting will be on Tuesday Oct. 3, 2023.


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