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Authority Continues Discussions On Cenveo, H20 Project Grant

The Williamsburg Municipal Authority continued discussion on Cenveo during its July 11 meeting.

Stiffler McGraw engineer John Clabaugh proposed a potential plan being brought to the table by Cenveo that could include a sampler and grinder pumps to help alleviate the issues of discharge to the authority. The authority said that on June 28, a surprise test was conducted on Cenveo, and the manhole was blue, loaded with an ink product. Clabaugh said there has been a change of plant management and Cenveo asked what to do and what to buy.

“We want them to know we are very concerned but want to meet,” Clabaugh said. “In everyone’s interest, we want them to comply voluntarily.”

Announcement of the H20 Project Grant — planning to be used to widen Spring Street to help alleviate flooding concerns off of Route 866 — was expected this month, but Clabaugh said this announcement was pushed back to September.

The Yellow Springs sewer replacement project is slated for bid at the August meeting, according to Borough Manager Joe Lansberry.

Treasurer David Myers discussed the budget report for June, noting the increase in expenses due to an increase in payroll expenses and electricity.

Borough Secretary Lisa Dishong’s last day with the borough and authority will be Friday, July 21.


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